Wednesday, 6 July 2016

My Calendar Art

Easy Blog Photo

I am really proud of my calendar art.  I hope my mum will buy one.


  1. Hey there Buddy,
    That art is pretty impressive! I really like how your name stands out. Did you have to do a diffenent pattern in each letter? That looks a bit like Zentangle. I will definitely buy at least one! The heart made of our names is really eye catching, I want to look closer to see what other words are in the heart!
    Love Mum and Dad

  2. Hi Callum I like your Calendar Art and your mum and dad are going to love it and I would love looking at that and seeing it at your place on the wall I would give this a 10 out of 10 because it is an amazing art work.

    Kind Regards Luca Scott

    1. thank you luka for the comment. I will have a look at your blog

  3. cool art work! callum how long did it take to make?
